Individual Details For -   Edward BANGS
Gender Male    
Date Of Birth 1591 Date Of Death 1678
Place Of Birth Panfield, County Essex, England Place Of Death Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Date Of Baptism 1591 Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Panfield, County Essex, England Place Of Burial Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Date Of Christening 28 OCT 1591 Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Panfield, Essex County, England Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education
Fact Notes
Death - The will on Edward Bangs was dated 19 Oct 1677 and proved 5 Mar 1678.It was witnessed by John Freeman and Thomas Crosbey.
Baptism - source
Buried - Grave not located. But it may be presumed that both he and his wife, Rebecca, were buried in the old Cove Burying Ground where so many of the original Eastham settlers are buried.
Individual Notes
One tradition says that; in about May, 1623, Edward Bangs, his wifeLydia and child John along with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Hicks, sailed to New England to join his father-in-law, Robert Hicks, who had preceded him on the ship ‘Fortune’ in 1621. Edward’s family sailed on the ship ‘Ann,’, William Peirce, Master, carrying sixty passengers and livestock. The ‘Ann’ was the third of the Pilgrim ships to arrive at Plymouth, preceded by first the ‘Mayflower,’ in 1620 and the ‘Fortune,’ in 1621. On July l0, 1623, the ship landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Also as passengers were the daughters of Rev. William Brewster, Fear and Patience. We know that his profession was a shipwright or carpenter, indicative to his being employed to work on the ‘Ann’ prior to her voyage, making her seaworthy and fit for the journey. Edward was supposed to have supervised the building of the first vessel at Plymouth. During the year 1641/2, Sixteen people of the colony each contributed,an equal part (1/16th) for the building of a 40-50 ton trade ship at the cost of Ł200. Edward, being skilled in this trade, acted as supervisor over its construction for which he received as pay, eighty acres of land. His occupation may have been diverse because "Freeman's History of Cape Cod" states that Edward "was engaged quite extensively in trade." The next year, 1643, his name appears on a Plymouth list of persons between the age of 16 and 60 able to bear arms. With his health and years declining, Edward made out a will on October19, 1677, giving his age as 86. It names son Jonathan as executor and gave bequeaths to all children except Rebecca, who preceded him in death, also to his grandchildren. It was probated on March 5, 1677/8. The ship Ann was the third Pilgrim ship, of 1623, preceded by theMayflower in 1620 and the Fortune in 1621.

The last will and testament of Edward Bangs "This 19 of October 1677 I, Edward Banges, aged 86 yeers, being well stricken in years and now knowing the day and houre when God may call mee hence, yett being in health and perfect memory, doe leave this as my Last Will and Testament. "First, I make my son, Jonathan, my whole and sole Executor to whom I give all my Purchase Land att Namskekett and that way lying between Namskekett and satuckett Brooke lying next to meddow graunted to Governor Prence, bounded by a ditch runing from the upland towards the creeke, two acres and an half be it more or lesse, bounded att the other end by a creeke. And I give him all my Purchase Land att Paomett and all privilidges therunto belonging, and I give him an acree and an half of meddow ling att a place called The Acars, alsoe one acree lying att the harbour’s mouth, alsoe I give him a parsell of upland and meddow lying att Rocke Harbour which I had in exchange of John Done. Alsoe all those things which I have att his house I give unto him. "Secondly, I give to my son, John, that twenty acrees of upland att Pockett that hee hath built upon, and five acrees more adjoyning to it to run from end to end. And I give him that land which I have att Pockett Iland and two acrees of meddow that lyeth att the Boate Meddow next to that which hee bought of Daniell Cole, and three quarters of an acree att the head of the Boate Meddow. "Thirdly, I give unto my son, Joshua, the house that I lived in and all the housing belonging to it, and twenty eight acrees of land adjoyning to it that lyeth neare it, and I give him three acrees of meddow att the Boate Meddow, lying at the Sandey Banke, and one acree of meddow that lyeth att the Boate Meddow which is called the Salt House Acree, alsoe four acrees of meddow lying att the head of Blakstish Creek. Likewise I give to Joshua fourteen acrees of upland that lyeth att Pockett next to the land of Jonathan Sparrow. "Fourth, I give to my son Jonathan’s eldest son, Edward Banges, twenty five acrees of upland lying att Pochett Field, be it more or lesse, alsoe I give unto him one acree of meddow att Rocke Harboare att the head of the meddow next to Leiftenant Roger’s and half an acre of meddow lying att Great Namsckett which I bought of Daniell Cole. "Fiftly, I give unto my daughters, my Daughter Howes, my Daughter Higgens, my Daughter Done, my Daughter Hall, my Daughter Merrick, and my Daughter Atwood, four pounds apeece at my decease. And I give to my grandchildren, viz, the children of my daughter, Rebeckah, deceased, four pounds att my decease onely with this proviso respecting the legacye given to these my daughters and grandchildren: that the estate left att my death doth amount to soe much; otherwise what is left be equally devided amongst them – the grandchildren to have a seaventh parte. and heerunto I doe sett my hand and seale. Edward Banges." "An Agreement made betwixt John Banges and Jonathan Banges, the sonnes of Edward Banges, deceased, this sixt day of March in the yeer of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven in reference to a parsell of land given by the said Edward Banges in his Last Will and testament to his grand child, Edward Banges, the son of Jonathan Banges: that the said John Banges shall make use of this land rent free untill the said Edward Banges, to whom the land is given, comes to be of age. Or, incase the said Edward dies before hee comes to be of age, then untill such a tearme of yeers on which hee would have bine of age if hee had lived. Alsoe, it is agreed by them that the said John Banges, during the time of making use of this land, shall not carry off any of the stones or timber except it be for the fencing of the said land in particular, excepting onely that middle fence which not att the making of this Agreement runs betwixt the field and pasture."