Individual Details For -   Naylor HARMER
Gender Male    
Date Of Birth 23 DEC 1804 Date Of Death 20 JUL 1884
Place Of Birth Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Place Of Death Morgan County, Ohio
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial Friends Cemetery, Pennsville, Morgan County, Ohio
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education
Fact Notes
Religion - Quaker
Individual Notes
The McConnelsville Weekly Herald,; Friday, April 30, 1880 Naylor Harmer, who has been sick for three or four months past,has been visiting his children in Pennsville, and it really does a fellow good to see him so completely restored to health, and realize that major is around again. May many added years of good health be his is the wish of his old friend. The McConnelsville Weekly Herald; Friday, July 25, 1884 Died at his residence near Pennsville, on the 20th of July, 1884,Naylor Harmer, age 79 years, 6 months and 20 days. Naylor Harmer was born in the year 1804, in the state ofMaryland, was married to Isabel Hunt his now sorrowing and bereaved companion on the 28th day of February, 1827, having lived together over 57 years; had born unto them 9 children - 5 girls and 4 boys. All lived to be men and women except one, which died in infancy. But death at sundry times within the past years has made inroads into the family; two sons and two daughters have crossed the misty sea that bounds the shore of life and death, to await the coming of father and mother and the rest of the family. Naylor Harmer was a kind neighbor and affectionate husband; a fond parent. The surviving friends need not sorrow like those without hope. Mark the perfect man, behold the upright, the end of that man is peace. The remains of the deceased were followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends to the Friends Cemetery near Pennsville, there deposited to await the angels trumpet that is to awaken the dead. Some very appropriate remarks were made by Robert Milhouse at the grave. The friends of the deceased tender their warmest thanks to the people of the neighborhoodfor their kindness during the illness of the deceased, which was a very protracted one.May the grace of God sustain the friends in this hour of affection. William Wade Hinshaw, Deerfield Meeting, Morgan County, Ohio HARMER ____, __, __. Naylor d 1884, 7, 20 ae 79 bur Pennsville; m Isabella____, d 1887, 6, 26. ae 80, bur Pennsville CHILDREN: Elizabeth b 1829, 6, 6 Chalkley b 1832, 9, 1 Amos b 1835, 3, 3 Lydia Ann b 1837, 8, 22 Edward T b 1840, 3, 18 Rebecca b 1842, 5, 8 Martha M b 1844, 12, 18 George W b 1848, 3, 15