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Individual Details For -   Walter RING   
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Gender Male    
Date Of Birth 13 JUL 1793 Date Of Death 7 DEC 1864
Place Of Birth Orange County, New York Place Of Death Monroe County, Ohio
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial Ring Hill Cemetery, Monroe County, Ohio
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Moved To - MAR 1836
Individual Notes
The children shown are from the 1850 cencus returns of Perry Township,Monroe County, Ohio. He could have had older children. Walter and Margaret Ring were charter members of the UnitedPresbyterian Church in Benton Township, Monroe County, Ohio. Walter built flour and feed mills there, later adding a sawmill. Walter was a very prominint farmer and miller in Monroe County,


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Margaret KEESEY 30 APR 1803 - 19 MAR 1879

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  1 MAY 1823
Marriage Place:  Belmont County, Ohio
Marriage Notes:  

    George RING 20 MAR 1823 - 6 FEB 1901
    Benjamin RING 16 MAR 1826 - 21 JUL 1921
    Jacob RING 16 MAR 1828 - 31 MAR 1900
    Lewis Comer RING ABT 1830 - 11 JUN 1863
    Julia RING ABT 1832 -

Julia Ann SUTHERLAND 14 NOV 1770 - 11 AUG 1858

    Mary FLEMING -
    Alexander SUTHERLAND -

Samuel RING 14 AUG 1761 - 1 MAY 1840

    Rachel JAMES ABT 1737 -
    Benjamin RING ABT 1729 - 10 AUG 1804