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Individual Details For -   Rachel LONGSHORE   
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Gender Female    
Date Of Birth 12 JUL 1831 Date Of Death 13 APR 1862
Place Of Birth Ohio Place Of Death Davis County, Iowa
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Davis County, Iowa
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Individual Notes
NOTES FOR RACHEL LONGSHORE BURDETT According to papers in the Davis County Court House, Box 7,Thomas Cohagan requested that the County Court of Davis County appoint a suitable person to preserve and account for the state of Rachel Burdett who died on the 13th day of April 1861. According to the probate records of Joseph Burdett, Rachelreceived $23.67 from Jonathan Cohagan, administrator, on January 7, 1860 after the estate was settled. An inventory of the personal property of Rachel Burdett,deceased; written by Jonathan Cohagen and recorded in the probate records of Davis County, Bloomfield Iowa Court House, Box 7: 1 yoke of oxen, 1 cow and calf, 1 cow, 3 yearling claves, 7 sheep, 8 hogs, 16 chickens, 2 stands of bees, 1 small lot of meat, 2 bushels of buck wheat, 1 barrel and salt, 1 barrel and molasses, 1 loom, 1 old wagon, 1 mattock, 1 brush scythe, 1 hoe, 1 big wheel, 1 little wheel, 1 rell, 1 clock, 1 cupboard, 1 table, 1 stove, 1 looking glass, 3 bed steads, 1 cradle, 4 chairs, 1 meal seive, 1 ax, 1 hatchet, 1 fire shovel, 1 steel yard, 2 auaagers, 1 coffee mill, 1 tub, 1 wash board, 1 lot of crocks, jars, jugs, 1 drawing knife, 1 big kettle, 12 oven, 1 tea kettle, 1 soap trough, soap and soap grease, 1 lot of dishes, a lot of lard, 2 jars and honey. On April 5, 1875, William S Burdett and Mary E. Burdett (presumedto include other children) received $175.00 each from the estate of Rachel Burdett, deceased, according to copies of receipts in the possession of Jacqueline Rachel died after a long illness as sev3ral doctors bills are inher probate records.


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Joseph BURDETT 19 MAY 1825 - 9 SEP 1857

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  20 SEP 1849
Marriage Place:  Muskingum County, Ohio
Marriage Notes:  

    David Spencer BURDETT 14 DEC 1850 - 7 DEC 1941
    William Sanford BURDETT 21 FEB 1854 - 24 MAY 1928
    Mary Ellen BURDETT 15 JAN 1856 - 1 MAY 1950
    Barbara Jane BURDETT 24 APR 1858 - 14 JUL 1937



