Individual Details For -   John Augustus SPRANKLE
Gender Male    
Date Of Birth 18 JUL 1830 Date Of Death 5 MAR 1891
Place Of Birth Adams County, Pennsylvania Place Of Death New Straitsville, Perry County, Ohio
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial Joint Cemetery, New Straitsville, Perry County, Ohio
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education
Fact Notes
Cause of Death -
Individual Notes
On 27 June 1882, John Sprankle bought lot number 138 for one hundreddollars on Van Heyde Street in New Straitsville, Ohio. John Sprankle and Susan Burdett were married on 6 August 1856 inMuskingum County, Ohio by J. W. Ross. John was married at 26 years 0 months & 18 days, and died at 60 years7 months & 15 days John was 2 years, 11 months & 27 days older then Susan, they weremarried 30 years, 2 months & 23 days and John survived Susan by 4 years, 4 months & 2 days. Susan was married at 23 years 0 months & 22 days, and died first at 53years 3 months & 20 days. John and Susan lived in Brush Creek Township, Muskingum County, Ohioafter their marriage and in fact all 10 of their children were born there on Virginia Ridge. They moved to New Straitsville, Perry County, Ohio around 1882 and lived the rest of their lives in that location. On the 28 December 1877 John Sprankle, via a note written to the PerryCounty Probate Court, gave his consent for the marriage of his underage daughter, Elizabeth. I have a copy of this note. John Sprankle enlisted at Zanesville, Ohio as a private in the Army ofthe Union at the age of 32 on 15 August 1862 for a period of 3 years. He was discharged on 27 January 1863 at Nashville, Tennessee on a surgeons certificate of disability. He was in the 97th OVI, company "K". He might have been in action at Perryville, Kentucky on 8 October 1862, Stone River, Tennessee on 31 December 1862 thru 2 January 1863 and Mission Ridge, Tennessee on 25 Jan 1863. John Sprankle wrote his last will and testament and signed it on 23February 1891 in Perry County, Ohio. I have a copy of this will. 1. He gave his sons William and John all his carpenter tools andshop. 2. One stand of bees to William Sprankle, Ida Patterson, AltaElliott, Rosa Bungard and John Sprankle and the remaining stands to Maria Sprankle. 3. 500 hundred dollars to Maria Sprankle to pay funeral expensesand place a marker at graves of him and wife. She may keep all that remains. What ever remains of estate divided equally between children Juila Cullie, Lizzie Webber, William Sprankle, Ida Patterson, Alta Elliott, Rosa Bumgard and John Sprankle and the heirs of daughter Sarah Ann.