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Individual Details For -   Ruby Jewel Holloway   
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Gender Female    
Date Of Birth 15 AUG 1937 Date Of Death 13 SEP 1992
Place Of Birth Place Of Death
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial Pikeville Kentucky
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Buried - Buried at the Justice-Kinder Cemetery
Individual Notes
Ruby was listed in the 1940 census living with her grandfather Andrew Jackson Holloway. Since A.J. Holloway's son James, daughter-in-law Pricey and grand daughter Mary were also living with him it appears Ruby is the daughter of James Holloway. A. J. Holloway's other son Martin was living with his entire family in another household in the same census which gives more credibility to this relationship.


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Pricey Ann Chaney 18 MAR 1913 - 27 MAR 1984

    Alice null -
    John C. Chaney -

James R. HOLLOWAY 23 JUL 1906 - 23 APR 1978

    Nancy Justice DEC 1880 - 3 MAY 1948
    Andrew Jackson HOLLOWAY JUN 1868 - 5 DEC 1944