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Individual Details For -   George Jacob NADER   
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Gender Male    
Date Of Birth 26 JUN 1799 Date Of Death 25 NOV 1874
Place Of Birth Rittershoffen, Soultz, Bas-Rhin, France Place Of Death Perry County, Ohio
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial New Lebanon Cemetery, Junction City, Perry County, Ohio
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration 1833
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts Jackson Township, Perry County, Ohio
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Individual Notes
OBITUARY JACOB NADER Died on the 25th day of November 1874, Jacob Nader, who was bornin Rittershoffen, France on the 26th day of June 1799, aged 73 years, 4 months and 30 days. In 1823 the departed entered the holy estate of matrimony withMiss. Madgalena Kochensparger. To this union were born seven children, five sons and two daughters, of which two sons and one daughter survive. Being active and faithful members of the Ev. Luth. church of which the departed was a very exemplary member all his life. The mother, three sons and one daughter preceded him to the other world in same faith. On the morning of the 27th day on November 1874, the mortal remains of him who so gently had fallen asleep in Christ were laid to rest in the grave yard of the Lebanon church, near Junction City, Perry County, Ohio, on which occasion two sermons were preached, on Psalms 37 in English and on 2nd Tim 4-7 & 8 in German to a large congregation. The deceased was ever concerned about the welfare of his childrenboth temporally and spiritually, as the paper written by himself shortly before his death plainly shows.


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Magdalena KOKENSPARGER 24 OCT 1800 - 26 APR 1871

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  27 NOV 1821
Marriage Place:  Rittershoffen, Soultz, Bas-Rhin, France
Marriage Notes:  

    Frederick NADER 2 MAR 1827 - 11 DEC 1907
    George Jeffrey NADER 8 MAR 1829 - 31 JUL 1885
    Dorothy NADER 21 FEB 1837 - 7 FEB 1896
    Magdalene NADER 7 MAY 1844 -

Mary Ellen "Dolly" KOCHENSPARGER 16 JAN 1908 -

Marriage Facts


Margarite WAHL 1777 - 30 DEC 1840


Pierre NADER 1773 - 14 FEB 1816
