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Individual Details For -   Thomas POPE   
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Gender Male    
Date Of Birth ABT 1608 Date Of Death 20 JUL 1683
Place Of Birth Kent County, England Place Of Death Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Date Of Baptism Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Place Of Burial
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Ship - 20 MAY 1630 "Mary & John" to Nantasket Massachusetts
Individual Notes
Pope is a medieval surname, depicting one who is austere, of asceticand ecclesiastical appearance, possibly a middle age pageant name. At a very early time, the title Pope, was applied to all Christian ministers or priests because of a fatherly relation. The Latin meaning of pope is "papa," word for father. The name dates back to a freeman named Pope of Hampshire, England, evidenced in the Domsday Book before the Norman Conquest. Also to a Alen le Pope, of County, Oxford in 1273, ibid, Hugh le Pope, The Pope family of Plymouth, Massachusetts was founded by Thomas Pope,of whom we are descended from. Nathaniel Pope, his brother, settled in Virginia. Thomas Pope came to Plymouth about 1627, where he pursued hisprofession as a cooper. Some say he came to New England on the ship "Mary and John," but I fail to find his name on the existing (but incomplete) passenger manifest. The newsletter of the "Great Migration Begins" claims he came in 1632. His first appearances on Plymouth records are in January, 1623/4, whenhis name is found on a tax rate list. He again appeared on this list Jan. 2, 1633/4, being assessed, 9 shillings. Also in 1634, his name is found among a list of able bodied persons who, between the ages of 16 and 60, were able to bear arms. On October 6, 1636, Thomas was granted five acres of land "at the fishing point next to Slowly field, and said Thomas be allowed to build." On August 29, 1640, he sold this land to John Bonham. In less than two months he was again awarded land, "5 acres of meadowing in South Meadows toward Gavans Colebrook meadows." Among the soldiers from this genealogy, to follow Lieut. WilliamHolmes in an expedition on June 7, 1637, against the warriors of King Philip, were the following: Volunteers from Plymouth Colony; Giles Hopkins, Thomas Prince, and THOMAS POPE. (From the records of Dr. Thomas Storr, Surgeon in the Peqout War.) A Bronze tablet, on December 8, 1920, was placed on the site of the "first encounter" at Great Meadow Creek, between the English and King Philip's Indians. It bears the names of the men who were there, including Thomas Pope. Thomas Pope, on June 4, 1645, was appointed by the General Court ofPlymouth, to serve as a constable, which he did several times; "Thomas Pope of Taunton, merchant." In August this year he served as a jurist. It was not until 1668, that he took the oath of a freeman. Thomas was a man of strong expressions and personal opinions, this,together with a fast temper, brought him several times before the Magistrates for arraignments. On June 1, 1647, he was brought before the Colony Court being accused of slander, as it was, both parties shared the guilt and equally paid the court costs. "In December, 1663, Thomas Pope and Giles Rickard Seni'r., were arrested for breaking the Kings peace by striking each other and were fined three shillings and four pence; and said Pope, his striking of said Rickard's wife, and for other turbulent carriages, in word and deed, the Court have centenanced him to find sureties for his good behavior." This was not the end of Thomas's behavior problems, for between February 7, 1664, and May 2, 1665, he is recorded quarreling with John Barnes over land boundaries, His strong rhetoric, still unabated, brought him on June 7, 1670, before the authorities, who fined him ten shillings for "vilifying the ministry." It is believed that Thomas did not remove to the remote settlement ofDartmouth, Massachusetts until about 1674. He was preceded here by his mother-in-law, Sarah Jenney and her sons, Samuel and John, both proprietors there in 1652. The people in and around this scattered settlement, built a garrison on land north of Oxford, near the east side of the Acushnet River, for protection from hostile Indians. In the early part of July, 1675, because of imminent danger of Indian attack, the inhabitants of Dartmouth were forced to evacuate the town. Thomas's son John, than 22 years old, with his daughter Susannah and her husband, Jacob Mitchell, were killed by Indians of King Philip, early in the morning while fleeing on horseback to the garrison. Their children, being sent earlier, were safe. On June 12, 1676, a group of Indians were captured by Bradford and made to stand trial for "working vnsufferable mischieffe upon some of ours." "One of these prisoners, named John-num, being accused by his fellows, acknowledged, among other misdeeds, that he was concerned in the murders of Jacob Mitchell and his wife and John Pope, and so centance of death was pronounced against them, which accordingly emediately was ekecuted." The town of Dartmouth was completely destroyed by King Philip'swarriors and not rebuilt until after an order was issued by the General Court, on October 14, 1675, that it would be rebuilt and resettled. The last will and testament of Thomas Pope was signed by him on July9, 1683. Isaac and Seth Pope took out letters of administration for his estate on Nov. 2, 1683.


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Sarah JANNEY ABT 1621 - BEF 9 JUL 1683

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  ABT 29 MAY 1646
Marriage Place:  Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Marriage Notes:  

    Seth POPE Capt. 13 JAN 1648/49 - 17 MAR 1727
    Susanna POPE ABT 1649 - JUL 1675
    Thomas POPE 25 MAR 1651 -
    Sarah POPE 14 FEB 1652 - 18 JUN 1727
    John POPE 15 MAR 1653 - JUL 1675
    Joanna POPE ABT 1658 - 25 DEC 1695
    Isaac POPE ABT 1664 - 1733

Anne FALLOWELL - BEF 29 MAY 1646

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  28 JUL 1637
Marriage Place:  Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Marriage Notes:  

    Hannah POPE 1639 - 12 MAR 1710

Unknown HALSNOTH -

    Mrs. Mercy HALSNOTH -
    Adam HALSNOTH -

John POPE -
