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Individual Details For -   Joshua LOMBARD   
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Gender Male    
Date Of Birth BEF 15 OCT 1620 Date Of Death ABT 1690
Place Of Birth Thorncombe, Dorsetshire, England Place Of Death Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Date Of Baptism 15 OCT 1620 Date Of Burial
Place Of Baptism Thorncombe, Dorsetshire, England Place Of Burial
Date Of Christening Date Of Emigration
Place Of Christening Emigration Facts
Place Of Education Date Of Education


Fact Notes
Individual Notes
Very little can be factually said about Joshua, partly because ofconflicting records pertaining to the various Lombard's. This had been a very difficult family to sort out-considerable perplexity exists among the various genealogists in their interpretation of the first generations, say between 1580 - 1700. Much of the confusion is because of the repetition of same names used within this family for the children of the different brothers. Different genealogists have applied different fathers to Joshua who should or may have been his uncles or cousins. Joshua drew up his will on January 22 1680/90 at Barnstable, thebequests are shown here in verbatim: "unto Abigail my Loving wife three Cowes and one mare to be at herowne dispose for ever, and ye use. . . . of a dwelling house which I have all Redy paid for ye building during her Natural Life and ye use. . . . of all my Lands during her Natural Life, and after her decease It I give. . . . sd house and Land to my son Jonathan Lumburt" "un to sd Abigail my wife all my houshold stuff.. . . during her Natural Life and five pounds a year in currant pay one third part thereof in money to be paid by my. executor. . . during her Natural Life" "unto my Daughter Susanna Lovel and Abigail Whitstone my grand Childall my houshold stuff…..after my sd wifes decease to be equally devided between them" "my Son Jonathan Lumburt shall put out all my Neate Cattle and Sheepeto ye best Advantage he can and to pay ye sd five pounds which I have given to sd Abigail my wife out of ye produce there of, if it will not amount thereto then to be made good out of ye Stock or principal" "all my Cattle and Sheep unto my two Sons Jonathan Lumburt and JoshuaLumburt that Shall Remaine after my wife sd Abigails decease to be Equally devided between them" "all my working tools and Cart wheels plowes yoaks and Chaines allland of moveables without dors what so ever: unto my Son Joshua Lumburt" "my Son Jonathan Lumburt to be sole executor" and "my Loving ffrindsDeacon Job Crocker and Edward Lewes to be overseers of this my will " The will was signed by his mark. The witnesses were James Lewes andJoseph Lothrop. The will was probated 22 April 1691, and recorded, with the inventory, 7 May 1691, by Joseph Lothrop, Recorder. The inventory was "praized at his house in Barnstable the twelvth day of January 1690:91 by Job Croker and Thomas Huckins." No real estate is mentioned


Immediate Family   Parents and Grandparents

Abigail LINNEL ABT 1635 - ABT 1691

Marriage Facts

Marriage Date:  27 MAY 1651
Marriage Place:  Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Marriage Notes:  

    Abigail LOMBARD 6 APR 1652 - ABT SEP 1698
    Mercy LOMBARD 15 JAN 1655/56 -
    Jonathan LOMBARD 28 APR 1657 -
    Joshua LOMBARD 16 JAN 1659/60 -
    Susanna LOMBARD ABT 1661 -
    Hannah LOMBARD ABT 1663 -

Mrs. Thomas II LOMBARD - BEF 1635


Thomas LOMBARD ABT 1580 - bet 1664 - 1665
